We are us?
Consultores, Asesores y Dirección de Proyectos Industriales S.A. de C.V. (GRUPO CAD ) celebrates more than 20 years as the leading company in Mexico and South America to provide excellence services in the PIM (Project Integral Management) modality for Engineering Studies in Short FEED: Basic Engineering, Feasibility Study, Procurement and Logistics (100 % main equipment) and Detailed Engineering (50%), Direction, Supervision and Execution of Projects and execution of Studies for Energy and Water Saving; of Modernization, Expansion and Reconfiguration of Facilities; of Risk and Environmental Impact, HazOp, What-If and Operational Optimization for Oil, Gas, Energy Generation, Mining, Metallurgy, Pipelines for Water Conduction, and Public Sector Industrial Projects and the Private Initiative in Mexico, USA , Central and South America.

It was founded in 2000, as an extension of the experience of GRUPO BUFETE INDUSTRIAL, the leading company in the development of Industrial Projects since 1950, until the year 2000, in the execution of more than 1,000 projects of great magnitude and complexity for projects of the sectors listed above, with an average annual execution amount of 1 billion dollars in the last 10 years, in partnership with one of the most important US companies such as MW Kellog (currently KBR).
We are constituted by a multidisciplinary team of recognized Engineers, Administrators and Financials with more than 30 years of experience, which were the basis of the BUFETE INDUSTRIAL GROUP, planning, controlling and successfully executing numerous projects in Mexico and South America.
The main objective of CAD is to become an extension of the staff of our clients in the protection of their patrimony so that our clients have the support of a team of technical-administrative personnel qualified and

experienced, we are structured to respond to the requirements of the projects to be implemented in the coming years and we have all the areas of expertise necessary for its execution, which allows us to provide a service of excellence, which guarantees the success of its projects in any of its stages, from engineering to start-up and warranty tests.
CAD has earned a place of excellence and recognition of the most demanding companies to which we have provided our services, becoming an extension of our national and international clients in the successful development of their projects, ensuring them through our services that the projects will be executed according to the estimated amount of investment, complying with the contractual programs, with the agreed quality and safety.
We seek, through the services we provide our clients, to give Added Value to their projects, providing our services with the capacity and experience to reach the Cost-Time-Quality goals, placing special emphasis on the satisfaction of our clients, strengthening the long-term relationships, seeking to cover their present needs with the vision and perspective of their future needs and objectives.